Protection Measures Hygiene

Practicing hand and respiratory hygiene:

Why are they necessary?

Ensuring adequate hand and respiratory hygiene practices are essential to ensure safety of oneself and others against a viral disease.

How to properly wash your hands?

To eliminate the traces of virus on your hands, a step-by-step guide should be followed to wash your hands:
1. Wet hands with running water.
2. Turn off the tap to avoid wastage of water.
3. Apply enough soap to cover both hands.
4. Rub the hands together to create lather and scrub all the surfaces of the hands, back of the hands, between fingers and under nails for 20-30 seconds.
5. Rinse thoroughly.
6. Dry hands with a clean towel

When to wash hands?

Make sure to wash your hands at the following times:
• After blowing your nose or sneezing.
• After touching any surface outside your home, including money.
• Before and after eating food.
• Before, during and after attending an ill person.
• After using the toilet.
• After handling the garbage.
• After changing a child’s diaper.
• After visiting a public place, riding in public transportation, going to a market etc.
More information can be assessed at: Everything you need to know about washing your hands to protect against coronavirus (COVID-19).

How to implement respiratory hygiene?

Respiratory hygiene is essential to avoid the spread of droplets. Good respiratory hygiene enables you to protect other people in your surrounding from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19. This includes covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. The used tissues should be safely disposed off immediately.
More information can be assessed at: Practicing respiratory hygiene